Making Impact at
The Graph

The Graph is a web3 protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data.

image of a team member
Martin Tellechea
Co-Director, The Graph Foundation

“A game-changing addition to The Graph ecosystem”

GraphOps has been a game-changing addition to The Graph ecosystem, consistently delivering remarkable value and significantly contributing to the growth and success of the Graph protocol. Since their successful launch of Graphcast and Launchpad, GraphOps has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to expanding the capabilities of the entire ecosystem.

As Co-Director of The Graph Foundation, I am thrilled to witness the impact GraphOps has had on the community. Their expertise in Protocol Economics & Network Operations, Core Development, and Indexer Experience has been instrumental in advancing our mission of verifiable data in web3. Their contributions have not only enhanced the quality of service and capacity of The Graph Network, but have also empowered Indexers to excel as our decentralized network scales.

GraphOps' dedication to innovation and education is truly commendable, and their work is a testament to the vibrant and collaborative spirit of The Graph ecosystem. We are incredibly grateful for their ongoing efforts and look forward to witnessing the transformative impact they will continue to have on the future of web3.

Discover our Contributions
at The Graph

Our commitment is steadfast in providing the latest tools and support to supercharge Indexers
productivity and efficiency at the same time we contribute as operators indexing blockchain data.

Protocol Economics & Network Operations

Protocol Economics and Network Operations are two areas of research that drives The Graph, focusing on incentive design and enhancing the protocol’s efficiency and maintenance.

  • Incentives Design
  • user experience
  • protocol resiliency

Empowering End-users
& Operators

Our team supports the development of Core Network subgraphs, Substreams, and Graphcast, an application-specific Gossip Network for Indexers.

We create open-source tools that make it easy for Indexers to orchestrate, monitor, and scale their operations.

Advanced Data Insights

Our team develops advanced tools that enable end-consumers, Indexers and Delegators to leverage both onchain and offchain data, delivering valuable insights to guide smart data-driven decisions.

Community Support

GraphOps is committed to making The Graph ecosystem accessible to everyone. We are focusing on helping more Indexers get started and simplify their multi-chain operations, raising the indexing standard.

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